Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday again? so soon?

Mostly I'd like to wish you all a lovely weekend.  Good weekend to get out there and vote.  They promise that the line won't be as long...or walk or ride your bicycle...

Today was devoted to further developing our drop off protocols for materials (starting next Tuesday from 11 to Noon for seniors and folks who are immuno-compromised and noon to 3 for all others.  Planning for the switch to our new online catalog--thank you Karen for all of your efforts on this--planning for our virtual Summer Reading Program "Summer of Fun" that Leigh has been putting yeoman efforts into.  What is a yeoman, anyway??  Ok, so maybe it's not quite the right term, but you get my drift.  And then there's the bill paying and staff scheduling and newsletter writing and planning.  How can we seem to be having so much MORE to do now than before...

See definitions in:
Medieval History
  1. 1.
    a man holding and cultivating a small landed estate; a freeholder.
  2. 2.
    a servant in a royal or noble household, ranking between a sergeant and a groom or a squire and a page.

At the moment it's too hot to think about baking, so I'll send you pics of last week's efforts.  Perhaps it will cool off enough to turn the oven on by Sunday.  Here is somewhat imperfect but delicious cinnamon raisin bread  and a spinach pie made with the copious spinach in the garden!!  Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Donna - very exciting to see the steps to re-opening! Any chance you will post the recipe (or source if it is on line) for that delicious looking cinnamon bread?? Doesn't look imperfect from here. It looks fabulous!
