Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Even more normal

 Things are opening up even more.  The community room and study rooms are open for business and we are having more foot traffic than curbside business this week than we've had in a year.  God willin' and the crick don't rise, things will continue to move in this direction through the fall....another one, as soon as I typed it (and I'm embarrassed to say I probably use this phrase more than I should and more than I have any right to...but here it is from Wikipedia:  

The expression "...the creek don't rise" is an American slang expression implying strong intentions subject to complete frustration by uncommon but not unforeseeable events. It presumably evokes occasional and unpredictably extreme rainfall in Appalachia, that has historically isolated one rural neighborhood or another temporarily inaccessible on several or many occasions. It is sometimes thought that the word "Creek" instead refers to the Creek people, but this is not the case.[1][2]

Classic versions of its use tend to be along the lines of "The good Lord willing, and the creek doesn't rise"—i.e. "If God so wills, and as long as intense rain does not wash away bridges or parts of dirt roads, or cover roads too deeply for safely following them." It may take the form of real or mock dialect, in variations like "... Lor' willin' an' th' crick don' rise."

On the good news front, the TENT IS UP (thanks to the Library Foundation and to Todd Olkonen and his crew for putting it up!) and various summer reading program activities will take place in it.  The book discussion group perhaps as well.  It looks very festive out there on the lawn

and we are slowly reintroducing some toys, even our new giant chess board purchased for us by the Friends of the Library.  Come and play.  We'll be wiping it down.  All of those precautions are still in place.

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