Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Truly Tuesday

 This afternoon I had a shift on the "welcome table"--staff take turns sitting at the table at the front door during our open hours.  We run through our usual spiel...Please use hand sanitizer, browse with your eyes, respect social distancing.  To date we have had no issues with mask scoffers.  Everyone just seems happy to be in the building, calling it just a small bit of "normal."  Still, it is interesting to us that our numbers are so relatively low.  We have only reached our capacity of fifteen visitors in the building at one time on three occasions since we began our "walk through" opening on September 1st..  From 4 to 5 I was able to get some reading done and shelve some books--Leigh walked by and said I looked lonely.....But the visitors we had earlier in the day were pleased as punch to be in the building and happy to have book and movie recommendations.  I couldn't resist looking that one up...

As pleased as Punch means to feel a great sense of delight. The phrase is derived from the Punch and Judy puppet shows that were popular during the 1700s and 1800s in Europe and Great Britain and are still occasionally seen.

So if you haven't come by yet, please give it a try.  We won't bite and you might just be...just like Punch!

And here for your reading pleasure is a great obit...What an interesting literary life.  Worth a read!  


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