Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Felicitations

Part of my day was spent trying to chase down cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer etc. in anticipation of opening up.  I can't say that it was enormously productive.  Sam's Club.  Nope.  Various drugstores.  Nope.  Staples online.  Nope.  Amazon.  Nope.  Exhausting.  Annoying.  Infuriating.  It was also interesting to note how many people were out and about.  And how many people were not wearing masks.  Good lord, we have interesting days ahead.

Yesterday was warm enough for us to get the first ice cream cone of the season. Oh joy, oh rapture.  Thoroughly a pleasure.  I confess, I was maskless while eating my cone.  But this weekend promises to be chilly, which seems cruel and unusual.

I thought the following article on "zoom fatigue" was interesting, so I thought I'd share it. 

The Reason Zoom Calls Drain Your Energy article (BBC, 4/22/2020):

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there.  Even to those of you who only had mothers.  Stiff upper lip.  Pip pip.  Clearly I've been watching too much Jeeves and Wooster. 

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