Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A day in the life

So you all might wonder what we are all doing with our time.  Here is a sampling:

My day started with a zoom meeting of the Family Support Team, a community/school partnership that meets monthly to talk about how we can best support families in our town.

Some bill paying, copying and scanning

A zoom staff meeting--lovely to see all their faces and to talk about what everyone is doing.  Leigh is planning a zoom story time (I've just watched it and it is beyond wonderful--check in out on our website) books and magazines still being processed, we are calling library patrons, even answering some reference questions, planning for next week's "National Library Week" (stay tuned); discussed webinars that we have been attending. Reviewing website offerings. Talked about brochures, "users guides" etc. that are in development. Brainstormed about our re-opening scenario.

The afternoon was spent planning the upcoming library trustee meeting, which we will do via zoom "webinar" so that participants can sit in to observe.  This took considerably longer than it should have because it's a somewhat more complicated version of the free zoom that we have all been using.  The library trustee meetings, like the select board meetings, must be open to the public.  With concerns about privacy and "zoom bombing" the more protected and regulated zoom webinar is necessary. Now that's way more than either of us really wanted to know. 

We also hosted a blood drive today.  This basically involved providing our community room space; ARC has been having a hard time getting venues.  By all reports (and observation of the traffic) it was a great success and critically needed. 

I'm off.  I'm very ready not to be sitting at my computer.  Which reminds me of one last thing.  Barb was in to use the ipad to access our staff zoom meeting. I had thought she had left and I was holed up in my office with the space heater on.  As it happens, when she came in to say goodbye, we were both more than startled because I was lying on the floor with my head under my desk and my legs up on my chair in an effort to stretch my aching back...Oy...only in a pandemic. 

1 comment:

  1. I was on a birding walk Tuesday in the athletic fields behind HTL, and noticed the Red Cross vehicles, good for you to host this. By the way, I saw lovely birds, listened to their songs, felt part of a peaceful world for a short while.
