Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wild warm wednesday

I traveled to Bow to visit our furniture and books again today. Good day for a roadtrip.  Working with Chip Hagy from Tucker Library Interiors, we are doing an inventory of all shelving and coming up with new plans for our layout.  It is an exciting benefit of disaster! 

Our HVAC company, ENE, has reestablished heating, ventilation and a/c in the community room.  We are in the final stages of cleaning that space and then it will be  available once again to community groups.  Leigh's story time will go back to the community room as well. We are so appreciative of Slusser's hospitality in that regard!

AND, the bids are in from the three contractors interested in working with us on the renovations to the building.  The library trustees and I did a preliminary review last night and now we've gone back to each with questions.  We will meet again next Monday and then we will meet with two finalists.  We will keep you posted.

With apologies, we are still using "three to six months" as our timeline.  Among the tasks:  the cupola needs to be removed and reinstalled, with attention to a variety of energy saving measures; extensive electrical work; insulation work in the attic and walls; new ceiling tiles throughout; new HVAC for building; cleaning including mechanicals, dry wall, painting, carpeting, reinstallation of shelving, new furniture ordered and installed, books cleaned and reshelved.  We are also working together to come up with a design for the interior layout that best meets the needs of patrons and staff.

1 comment:

  1. I'm exhausted just reading this! You are all doing an amazing job. Thank you SO much!
