Friday, May 21, 2021

Mr. McGregor's Garden

 Barb has outdone herself again.  Our new display in the shelf top vitrine is everything Peter Rabbit, from my collection and staff member Cindy Garland.  Barb created a whole story scape with the figurines and other bits and pieces.  Come take a look!!  There's even that cat staring down at the goldfish among the lily pads.

Yesterday's book discussions on Jerald Walker's "How to Make a Slave" were excellent, engaging and not particularly well-attended.  twelve at the noon session and six at seven.  Still, the conversations were lively and informative and I think much appreciated by those in attendance.  We still have copies of the book for sale and loan--a bargain at $5 thanks to the library's foundation.  We have heard that people were put off by the title (no, it's not a DIY book) and the notion that it could be funny (it was). The title is taken from a quote by Frederick Douglass:   “You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man Certainly the subject of how people of color cope with living in an increasingly divided world is serious business, but we also discussed how transformative humor can be and how it can provide access and insight into difficult subjects.  If you haven't read it, consider giving it a try.  It is a quick, eye-opening and accessible read.  

and now for something completely different to quote Monty Python (almost):  next thursday's program:

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