Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Welcome to the Library (don't you miss us)

I know that we miss you.  My current situation as the only one coming into the library as a rule gives new meaning to the notion of  "quiet study room"....  Just so you can remember what you've been missing (and will be back before you know it!)  You are still Welcome (even if it's only virtually)

Remember the springtime scavenger hunt?  There were bunnies hopping all over the library.  Can you find the one in the below picture??
And we had a GREAT (if I do say so myself) display of books for Women's History Month in March, which is, of course...history...but perhaps we'll hold it over for another month, just because we can!

And finally, for the moment, is the vibrant and joyful show of Pam Tarbell's work in our gallery.  Bob LaPree and Pam worked on a "virtual" tour of the show recently. We'll get that out to you when it's ready.


  1. Hi, being able to to hold a book in my hands and reading is the thing I miss the most !!!! I'm very lucky to have a laptop to read on but it is not the same. miss weekly trips to the library.

  2. I miss everything about the physical space and the people in it! I miss seeing the children arrive with their adults on Tuesdays for Story Hour, as I scramble to get their returned books back on the shelves so they can find what they want to read next. The Bunny is an essential worker, according to the New Zealand PM, so don't be surprised if he is tuckered out when you are back next Tuesday. Thanks for the blog, Donna!
